电子邮件:sjlnts@sjtu.edu.cn 办公地点:绿色环境楼513;大理研究院706
- 国家重点研发计划子课题, 重要湖库流域面源污染监测防控-流域清水产流机制与入湖通道创建, 2024/12-2027/11, 75万元, 主持
国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目专题, 典型流域面源污染智能监测和风险识别及调控技术-西南高原湖区氮磷运移特征、削减规律和风险识别模型研究, 2021/12-2025/11, 100万元, 主持
云南省重点研发计划项目, 星云湖流域面源污染关键源区识别及防治技术研究, 2024/1-2025/12, 175万元, 主持
云南省重点研发计划课题, 杞麓湖枯水期有机质特征、COD来源定量解析及底质改善技术研究, 2024/1-2025/12, 266万元, 主持
云南省基础研究计划, 洱海流域畜禽粪便还田利用过程中类固醇雌激素迁移与降解特征研究, 2022/6-2025/5, 5万元, 主持
云南省基础研究计划, 典型新污染物在高原湖泊底泥中的源汇机制研究, 2023/6-2026/5, 10万元, 主持
云南交投科技项目, 基于铁碳基质填料的低污染水体多重污染物处理关键技术研究及应用示范, 2024/5-2025/12, 42万元, 主持
大理州生态环境局, 洱海流域新污染物筛查及典型新污染物来源分析, 2024/3-2026/2, 39万元, 主持
大理州洱海管理局, 洱海水体有机质特征和来源解析及对COD变化的影响研究, 2019/12-2021/5, 39万元, 主持
玉溪市湖泊管理局, 玉溪湖泊研究中心院校合作(抚仙湖、星云湖、杞麓湖基础调查研究)项目, 2022/9-2023/8, 188万元, 主持
澄江市抚仙湖管理局, 抚仙湖流域已建湿地现状调查、效益评价及提升方案, 2023年, 28万元, 主持
大理市洱海保护管理局, 大理市洱海蓝藻控制与应急工程实施方案(2018-2020), 2018年, 30万元, 主持
洱源县环境保护局, 洱源西湖藻华控制与综合治理方案(一期), 2017年, 30万元, 主持
示范工程, 罗时江水质改善与应急除藻研究项目, 2019年, 1051万元, 技术负责人
示范工程, 龙凤大沟污染控制与近岸湖湾水环境改善工程, 2018年, 691万元, 技术负责人
Huaji Liu, Feixuan Cai, Zhongqing Huang, Chen Wang, Xueying Li, Xinze Wang*, Jian Shen*. Seasonal hydrological variation impacts nitrogen speciation and enhances bioavailability in plateau lake sediments. Water Research, 2025, 271: 122990.
Feixuan Cai#, Jian Shen#, Xinze Wang*, Jimeng Feng, Tiantian Wang, Ronghui Wang. Pesticide dynamics and risk assessment in a plateau lake: Multiphase partitioning, drivers, and distribution in Southwestern China. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2025, 487: 137171.
Zhongqing Huang, Jian Shen*, Jimeng Feng, Yanfen Yang, Jinxia Na, Xinze Wang. Responses to phytoplankton community succession and expression of key functional genes in plateau lakes under 17β-estradiol interference. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 472: 134561.
Jinhui Wang, Lina Chi, Shuai Liu, Jiao Yin, Youlin Zhang, Jian Shen*, Xinze Wang*. Overlooked role of long capping time and environmental factors in the plateau lake for impairing lanthanum-modified-bentonite’s immobilization to phosphate. Water Research X, 2024, 25: 100272.
Liwei He; Guangye Chen, Xinze Wang*, Jian Shen*, Hongjiao Zhang, Yuanyuan Lin, Yang Shen, Feiyan Lang, Chenglei Gong. Pollution characteristics and risk assessment of heavy metals in the sediments of the Inflow Rivers of Dianchi Lake, China. Toxics, 2024, 12, 322.
Chenghan Li, Jian Shen*, Jimeng Feng, Lina Chi, Xinze Wang*. Variations of phosphorus in sediments and suspended particulate matter of a typical mesotrophic plateau lake and their contribution to eutrophication. Scientific Reports, 2024, 14: 26551.
Lidong Zhao, Jianzhu Li, Ting Zhang*, Ping Feng, Xinze Wang, Jian Shen. Multi-method combined analysis of urban flood risks and its influencing factors under low impact development. Journal of Hydrology, 2024, 632: 130927.
Huaji Liu, Lina Chi, Jian Shen, Hamidreza Arandiyan, Yuan Wang, Xinze Wang*. Principles, applications, and limitations of diffusive gradients in thin films induced fluxed in soils and sediments. Chemosphere, 2024, 350: 141061.
Yao Zhang#, Jian Shen#, Jimeng Feng, Xueying Li, Huaji Liu, Xinze Wang*. Composition, distribution, and source of organic carbon in surface sediments of Erhai Lake, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 858:159983.
Yuquan Zhao, Jian Shen*, Jimeng Feng, Xinze Wang*. Relative contributions of different sources to DOM in Erhai Lake as revealed by PLS-PM. Chemosphere, 2022, 299:134377.
Ruiting Liu, Jian Shen, Xiaojuan He, Lina Chi*, Xinze Wang*. Efficient macroporous adsorbent for phosphate removal based on hydrate aluminum-functionalized melamine sponge. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 421(2):127848.
Jian Shen, Xueying Li, Xinze Wang*, Jimeng Feng, Shiyi Jiang, Zhiping Zhang, Qian Xu. Production, removal and fate of steroid estrogens under the background of total sewage interception in the Erhai Lake Basin, China. Environmental Pollutants and Bioavailability, 2020, 32(1):194-206.
Jian Shen, Xueying Li, Xinze Wang*, Jimeng Feng, Xiaojuan He, Shiyi Jiang, Ailing Zhou, Xiaoyan Ouyang. Study on the release potential of BPA and steroid estrogens in the sediments of Erhai Lake, a typical plateau lake of China. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2020, 105(6): 882-891.
Hailu Wu, Xinze Wang*, Xiaojuan He, Shengbo Zhang, Rubing Liang, Jian Shen. Effects of root exudates on denitrifier gene abundance, community structure and activity in a micro-polluted constructed wetland. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 598:697-703.
Jian Shen, Xinze Wang*, Zhen Zhang, Yanming Sui, Hailu Wu, Jimeng Feng, Xinnan Tong, Zhenyu Zhang. Adsorption and degradation of 14C-bisphenol A in a soil trench. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 607:676-682.
黄中情, 张志萍, 沈剑*, 田春梅, 李炜, 封吉猛, 王欣泽. 洱海浮游植物群落结构变化及影响因素. 环境科学, 2025, 46(6): 76-91.
黄中情, 沈剑*, 封吉猛, 杨艳芬, 孙天阳, 熊雨院, 王欣泽. 不同浮游植物对17β-雌二醇的去除与降解. 生态学报, 2024, 44(23): 10650-10661.
李屹, 沈剑, 林燕, 王欣泽*. 土壤渗滤系统中污染物去除效果分析. 生态与农村环境学报, 2013, 29(6):738-742.
沈剑, 王欣泽*, 张真, 胡晓芳. 罗时江中5种环境内分泌干扰物的分布特征. 环境科学研究, 2012, 25(5):495-500.
苍洱霞光人才计划(2023年),兴玉英才支持计划(2023年),洱海保护治理先进个人(2022年),互联网+创新创业大赛上海金奖、全国铜奖 指导教师(2022年),云南省环保产业技术进步二等奖(2021年),香港求是科技基金会研究生奖学金(2017年),上海交通大学学生年度人物(2016年),上海交通大学三好学生(2016-2017学年、2009-2010学年)