董会娟(Dong Huijuan)
地址:绿色环境楼 电话:021-54743272 电子邮件:donghj@sjtu.edu.cn
2016.8 - 至今 上海交通大学,环境科学与工程学院,特别研究员(副教授)
2012.10 - 2016.7 日本国立环境研究所,社会环境系统研究中心,博士后
2012.7 - 2012. 9 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所,循环经济与产业生态组,助理研究员
2009.9-2012.6 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所, 生态学专业,理学博士
2004.9-2007.3 东北大学,资源与土木工程学院,环境工程专业,工学硕士
2000.9-2004.7 东北大学,资源与土木工程学院,环境工程专业,工学学士
1. 《中国城市温室气体排放2015年》,蔡博峰、张建军、董会娟、姚波,中国环境出版集团,2018.
2. 《中国城市二氧化碳排放2005年》,主要作者,中国环境出版集团,2018.
3. "Urbanization and Climate Co-Benefits: Implementation of win-win interventions in
cities",Oxford University Express, 2 chapters,2017.
1. Xuerong Zhang, Zhe Liu*, Tony R. Walker, Jeffrey Wilson, Xiaolei Tao, Huijuan Dong, Wei Zhao. Impact of political incentives on urban green development: An analysis of 284 cities in China. Cities, 2025, 161: 105891
2. Lu Sun*, Chunlei Du, Zhaoling Li, Minoru Fujii, Yi Dou, Satoshi Ohnishi, Seya Maki, Huijuan Dong, Liang Dong. Urban-industrial symbiosis practices in Tokyo Metropolis and the indication of carbon emissions reduction and environmental benefits. Cities, 2025, 161: 105840.
3. Wen Chen*, Satoshi Ohnishi, Seiya Maki, Kosuke Kawai, Lu Sun, Huijuan Dong, Liang Dong, Yi Dou, Tana Qian, Yasuaki Hijioka, Kenichi Nakajima, Minoru Fujii. Industrial heat defossilization: A comparative analysis of waste incineration and clean energy scenarios. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2025, 491: 144802.
4. Huijuan Dong#*, Tianyu Zhang#, Yong Geng, Peng Wang, Shu Zhang, Joseph Sarkis. Sub-technology Market Share Strongly Affects Critical Material Constraints in Power System Transitions. Nature Communications. 2025, 1285.
5. Wen Chen*, Chenghao Wei, Lu Sun*, Huijuan Dong, Yasuaki Hijioka, Kenichi Nakajima, Minoru Fujii. Carbon-neutral heat supply strategies for industrial decarbonization: A critical and systematic literature review. Cleaner and Responsible Consumption. 2024, 15: 100244.
6. Tianyu Zhang, Huijuan Dong*, Yong Geng, Jinze Li. Material Flow and Supply-Demand Feature of Thulium in China. Journal of Industrial Ecology. 2024, 28: 1952-1964.
7. Luxuan Sun, Huijuan Dong*, Yue Dai, Jihao Dong, Minoru Fujii, Yong Geng, Ziyang Lou, Xiao Liu. Environmental benefit of recycling plastics from waste electrical &electronic equipment. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2024, 211:107855.
8. Huijuan Dong*, Feng Yu, Zhujie Bi, Chenyi Zhang, Xiao Liu, Yong Geng, Satoshi Ohnishi, Haifeng Li. Life cycle environmental and economic assessment of Tetra Pak recycling technologies. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2024, 202: 107355.
9. Yue Dai, Huijuan Dong*, Luxuan Sun, Jinze Li, Tianyu Zhang, Yong Geng, Zhe Liu. Life cycle environmental impact assessment of titanium dioxide production in China. Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 2024, 105: 107412.
10. Jincan Zeng, Ade Brian Mustafa, Minwei Liu, Guori Huang, Nan Shang, Xi Liu, Kexin Wei, Peng Wang, Huijuan Dong*. Environmental, Energy, and Techno-Economic Assessment of Waste-to-Energy Incineration. Sustainability. 2024, 16(10): 4140.
11. Hongda Liang, Huijuan Dong*, Chenyi Zhang, Yong Geng, Xiao Liu, Gang Liu, Chen Zhong. Combining LCA-MFA models to identify China’s plastic value chain environmental impact mitigation pathways. iScience. 2023, 26(9):107701.
12. Ziyao Fan, Huijuan Dong*, Yong Geng, Minoru Fujii. Life cycle cost–benefit efficiency of food waste treatment technologies in China. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 2023, 25: 4935–4956.
13. Carly L. Reddington*, Steven T. Turnock, Luke Conibear, Piers M. Forster, Jason A. Lowe, L. Berrang Ford, C. Weaver, Bianca van Bavel, Huijuan Dong, Mohammad R. Alizadeh, and Steve R. Arnold. Inequalities in air pollution exposure and attributable mortality in a low carbon future. Earth’s Future. 2023, 11(12): e2023EF003697.
14. Chenyi Zhang, Huijuan Dong*, Yong Geng, Xiaoqian Song, Tianyu Zhang, Mufan Zhuang. Carbon neutrality prediction of municipal solid waste treatment sector under the shared socioeconomic pathways. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2022, 186: 106528.
15. Chenyi Zhang, Huijuan Dong*, Yong Geng, Hongda Liang, Xiao Liu. Machine learning based prediction for China's municipal solid waste under the shared socioeconomic pathways. Journal of Environmental Management. 2022, 312: 114918.
16. Jiawen Guo, Huijuan Dong*, Hooman Farzaneh, Yong Geng, Carly L. Reddington. Uncovering the overcapacity feature of China's industry and the environmental & health co-benefits from de-capacity. Journal of Environmental Management. 2022, 308: 114645.
17. Feng Yu, Huijuan Dong*, Yong Geng, Alex S. Fang, Haifeng Li. Uncovering the differences of household carbon footprints and driving forces between China and Japan. Energy Policy. 2022, 165: 112990.
18. Zhe Zhang, Libin Cao, Huijuan Dong*, Bofeng Cai, Yong Geng, Lingyun Pan, Yiqi Tang. Allocating China’s 2025 CO2 emission burden shares to 340 prefecture cities: methods and findings. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-22052-6.
19. 15 Ade Brian Mustafa, Huijuan Dong*, Chenyi Zhang, Minoru Fujii. Life cycle environmental benefit and waste-to-energy potential of municipal solid waste management scenarios in Indonesia. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management. 2022, 24:1859-1877.
20. Shijiang Xiao, Huijuan Dong*, Yong Geng, Xu Tian. Low carbon potential of urban symbiosis under different municipal solid waste sorting modes based on a system dynamic method. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2022, 179: 106108.
21. Chunchao Liu, Huijuan Dong*, Yang Cao, Yong Geng, Haifeng Li, Chenyi Zhang, Shijiang Xiao. Environmental damage cost assessment from municipal solid waste treatment based on LIME3 model. Waste Management, 2021.
22. Huijuan Dong*, Lei Zhang, Yong Geng, Peng Li, Chenhui Yu. New insights from grey water footprint assessment: An industrial park level. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021, 285: 124915.
23. Shijiang Xiao, Huijuan Dong*, Yong Geng, Greenhouse gas emission mitigation potential from municipal solid waste treatment: A combined SD-LMDI model. Waste Management, 2021, 120: 725-733.
24. Xi Zhang, Yong Geng*, Yen Wah Tong, Harn Wei Kua, Huijuan Dong, Hengyu Pan. Trends and driving forces of low-carbon energy technology innovation in China’s industrial sectors from 1998 to 2017: from a regional perspective. Frontiers in Energy. 2021, 15(2): 473-486.
25. Zuoxi Liu, Shanshan Wang, Bing Xue, Rundong Li, Yong Geng, Tianhua Yang, Yanlong Li, Huijuan Dong, Zhihong Luo, Weikun Tao, Jiaming Gu, Yongyang Wang. Emergy-based indicators of the environmental impacts and driving forces of non-point source pollution from crop production in China. Ecological Indicators. 2021, 121: 107023.
26. Xi Zhang, Yong Geng*, Shuai Shao, Huijuan Dong, Rui Wu, Tianli Yao, Jiekun Song. How to achieve China’s CO2 emission reduction targets by provincial efforts? – An analysis based on generalized Divisia index and dynamic scenario simulation. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2020, 127: 109892.
27. Shijiang Xiao, Huijuan Dong*, Yong Geng, Medel-Jimenez Francisco, Hengyu Pan, Fei Wu. An overview of the municipal solid waste management modes and innovations in Shanghai, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27: 29943-29953.
28. Shibo Cui, Huijuan Dong*. Jeff Wilson. Grey water footprint evaluation and driving force analysis of eight economic regions in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27: 20380–20391.
29. Shijiang Xiao, Huijuan Dong*, Yong Geng, Xu Tian, Chang Liu, Haifeng Li. Policy impacts on Municipal Solid Waste management in Shanghai: A system dynamics model analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 262: 121366.
30. Shitong Yu, Huijuan Dong*. Uncover Cost-Benefit Disparity of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration in Chinese Provinces. Sustainability, 2020, 12(2): 697.
31. Jinya Lv, Huijuan Dong*, Yong Geng, Haifeng Li. Optimization of recyclable MSW recycling network: A Chinese case of Shanghai. Waste Management. 2020, 102: 763-772.
32. Lu Sun, Fujii Minoru, Zhaoling Li, Huijuan Dong*, Yong Geng, Zhe Liu, Tsuyoshi Fujita, Xiaoman Yu, Yuepeng Zhang. Energy-saving and carbon emission reduction effect of urban-industrial symbiosis implementation with feasibility analysis in the city. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2020, 151: 119853.
33. Huijuan Dong*, Yong Geng, Dong Hao, Yanhong Yu, Yihui Chen. Virtual water flow feature of water-rich province and the enlightenments: case of Yunnan in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 235: 328-336.
34. Lei Zhang, Huijuan Dong*, Yong Geng, China’s Provincial grey water footprint characteristic and driving forces. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 677: 427-435.
35. Minoru Fujii, Yi Dou, Lu Sun, Satoshi Ohnishi, Seiya Maki, Huijuan Dong, Liang Dong, Remi Chandran. Contribution to a low-carbon society from improving exergy of waste-to- energy system by upgrading utilization of waste. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2019, 149:586-594.
36. Liming Zhang, Yong Geng, Yongguang Zhong, Huijuan Dong, Zhe Liu. A bibliometric analysis on waste electrical and electronic equipment research. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26 (21): 21098–21108.
37. Bofeng Cai, Jun Lu, Jinnan Wang, Huijuan Dong*, Xiaoman Liu*, Yang Chen, Zhanming Chen, Jianhui Cong, Zhipeng Cui, Chunyan Dai, Kai Fang, et al. A benchmark city-level carbon dioxide emission inventory for China in 2005. Applied Energy, 2019, 233-234, 659-673.
38. Hengyu Pan, Mufan Zhuang, Yong Geng*, Fei Wu, Huijuan Dong, Emergy-based ecological footprint analysis for a mega-city: The dynamic changes of Shanghai. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019, 210: 552-562.
39. Zuoxi Liu, Yongyang Wang, Yong Geng*, Rundong Li, Huijuan Dong, Bing Xue, Tianhua Yang, Shanshan Wang. Toward sustainable crop production in China: An emergy-based evaluation. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019, 206: 11-26.
40. Hengyu Pan, Yong Geng*, Huijuan Dong, Mustafa Ali, Shijiang Xiao. Sustainability evaluation of secondary lead production from spent lead acid batteries recycling. Resources, Conservation & Recycling. 2019, 140: 13-22.
41. Zhe Liu, Michelle Adams, Zongguo Wen, Guillaume Massard, Huijuan Dong. Review of eco-industrial development around the globe: Recent progress and continuing challenges. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2019, 143: 111-113.
42. Huijuan Dong*, Yong Geng, Xiaoman Yu, Jianjia Li. Uncovering energy saving and carbon reduction potential from recycling wastes: a case of Shanghai in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 205: 27-35.
43. Huijuan Dong*, Zuoxi Liu, Yong Geng, Tsuyoshi Fujita, Minoru Fujii, Lu Sun, Liming Zhang. Evaluating environmental performance of industrial park development: the case of Shenyang. Journal of Industrial Ecology. 2018, 22(6): 1402-1412.
44. Shijiang Xiao, Huijuan Dong*, Yong Geng, Matthew Brander. An overview of China’s recyclable waste recycling and recommendations for integrated solutions. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2018, 134: 112-120.
45. Yiying Qian, Huijuan Dong*, Yong Geng*, Shaozhuo Zhong, Xu Tian, Yanhong Yu, Yihui Chen, Dana Avery Moss. Water footprint characteristic of less developed water-rich regions: Case of Yunnan, China. Water research. 2018, 141: 208-216.
46. Xiaoqian Song, Yong Geng*, Huijuan Dong*, Wei Chen. Social network analysis of industrial symbiosis system: A case of Gujiao eco-industrial Park, China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 193: 414-423.
47. Lu Sun, Minoru Fujii, Tomohiro Tasaki, Huijuan Dong*, Satoshi Ohnishi. Improving waste to energy rate by promoting an integrated municipal solid-waste management system. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 2018, 136: 289-296.
48. Zhiqing Liu, Yong Geng*, Huijuan Dong*, Jeffrey Wilson, Tatyana Micic, Rui Wu, Xiaowei Cui, Yiying Qian, Wei You. Huaping Sun. Efficient distribution of carbon emissions reduction targets at the city level: A case of Yangtze River Delta region. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 172: 1711-1721.
49. Yang Xie, Hancheng Dai*, Huijuan Dong*. Impacts of SO2 taxations and renewable energy development on CO2, NOx and SO2 emissions in Jing-Jin-Ji region. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 171: 1386-1395.
50. Wei You, Yong Geng*, Huijuan Dong*, Jeffrey Wilson, Pan, Hengyu, Rui Wu, Lu Sun, Xi Zhang, Zhe Liu. Technical and economic assessment of RES penetration by modelling China’s existing energy system. Energy, 2018, 165: 900-910.
51. Hengyu Pan, Yong Geng*, Ping Jiang, Huijuan Dong, Lu Sun, Rui Wu. An emergy based sustainability evaluation on a combined landfill and LFG power generation system. Energy. 2018. 143: 310-322.
52. Wei Chen, Yong Geng*, Jinglan Hong, Huijuan Dong, Xiaowei Cui, Mingxing Sun, Qiang Zhang. Life cycle assessment of gold production in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2018, 179: 143-150.
53. Wei Chen, Yong Geng*, Huijuan Dong, Xu Tian, Shaozhuo Zhong, Qi Wu, Yue Xu, Qiang Zhang, Shun Li. An emergy accounting based regional sustainability evaluation: a case of Qinghai in China. Ecological Indicators. 2018, 88: 152-160.
54. Zuoxi Liu*, Yongyang Wang, Shanshan Wang, Huijuan Dong, Yong Geng, Bing Xue, Jiaming Gu, Rundong Li, Tianhua Yang. An emergy and decomposition assessment of China’s crop production: sustainability and driving forces. Sustainability. 2018, 10(11): 3938.
55. Huijuan Dong*, Hancheng Dai*, Tsuyoshi Fujita, Yong Geng, Zhe Liu, Yang Xie, Rui Wu, Minoru Fujii, Toshihiko Masui, Liang Tang. Exploring impact of carbon tax on China’s CO2 reductions and provincial disparities. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2017,77: 596-603.
56. Ohnishi Satoshi*, Huijuan Dong*, Yong Geng, Minoru Fujii, Tsuyoshi Fujita. A comprehensive evaluation on industrial & urban symbiosis by combining MFA, carbon footprint and emergy methods—Case of Kawasaki, Japan. Ecological Indicators, 2017, 73: 513-524.
57. Zhaoling Li, Lu Sun, Yong Geng*, Huijuan Dong*, Jingzheng Ren, Zhe Liu, Xu Tian, Helmut Yabar, Yoshiro Higano. Examining industrial structure changes and corresponding carbon emission reduction effect by combining input-output analysis and social network analysis: A comparison study of China and Japan. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 162: 61-70.
58. Qing Yang, Yong Geng*, Huijuan Dong*, Jiaqi Zhang, Xiaoman Yu, Lu Sun, Xiaorong Lu, Yihui Chen. Effect of environmental regulations on China's graphite export. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 161: 327-334.
59. Zhe Liu*, Michelle Adams, Zongguo Wen, Guillaume Massard, Huijuan Dong. Eco-industrial development around the globe: recent progress and continuing challenges. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2017, 127: A1-A2.
60. Huijuan Dong*, Tsuyoshi Fujita, Yong Geng, Liang Dong, Satoshi Ohnishi, Lu Sun, Yi Dou, Minoru Fujii. A review on Eco-city evaluation methods and highlights for integration. Ecological indicators. 2016, 60: 1184-1191.
61. Rui Wu, Yong Geng*, Huijuan Dong*, Tsuyoshi Fujita, Xu Tian. Changes of CO2 emissions embodied in China–Japan trade: drivers and implications. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 112, 4151-4158.
62. Zhe Liu, Yong Geng*, Hung-Suck Park, Huijuan Dong, Liang Dong, Tsuyoshi Fujita. An emergy-based hybrid method for assessing industrial symbiosis of an industrial park. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 114: 132-140.
63. Xiaoman Yu, Yong Geng*, Huijuan Dong, Tsuyoshi Fujita, Zhe Liu. Emergy-based sustainability assessment on natural resource utilization in 30 Chinese provinces. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 133, 18-27.
64. Xiaoman Yu, Yong Geng*, Huijuan Dong, Sergio Ulgiati, Zhe Liu, Zuoxi Liu, Zhixiao Ma, Xu Tian, Lu Sun. Sustainability assessment of one industrial region: a combined method of Emergy analysis and IPAT. Energy, 2016, 107, 818-830.
65. Yang Xie, Hancheng Dai*, Huijuan Dong, Tatsuya Hanaoka, Toshihiko Masui. Economic impacts from PM2.5 pollution-related health effects in China: A provincial-level. Environmental Science & Technology, 2016, 50 (9): 4836–4843.
66. Bin Guo, Yong Geng*, Huijuan Dong, Liu Yaxuan. Energy-related greenhouse gas emission features in China's energy supply region: the case of Xinjiang. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016, 54: 15-24.
67. Lu Sun, Huijuan Dong, Yong Geng*, Zhaoling Li, Zhe Liu, Tsuyoshi Fujita, Satoshi Ohnishi, Minoru Fujii. Uncovering driving forces on urban metabolism——A case of Shenyang. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 114: 171-179.
68. Xu Tian, Yong Geng*, Huijuan Dong, Liang Dong, Tsuyoshi Fujita, Yutao Wang, Hongyan Zhao, Rui Wu, Zhe Liu, Lu Sun. Regional household carbon footprint in China: a case of Liaoning province. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 114: 401-411.
69. Liming Zhang, Yong Geng*, Huijuan Dong, Yongguang Zhong, Tsuyoshi Fujita, Bing Xue, Hung-Suck Park. Emergy-based assessment on the brownfield redevelopment of one old industrial area: a case of Tiexi in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 114: 150-159.
70. Satoshi Ohnishi, Minoru Fujii, Tsuyoshi Fujita, Toru Matsumoto, Liang Dong, Hiroyuki Akiyama, Huijuan Dong. Comparative analysis of recycling industry development in Japan following the Eco-Town program for eco-industrial development. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016, 114: 95-102.
71. Zhe Liu, Yong Geng, Michelle Adams, Liang Dong, Lina Sun, Jingjing Zhao, Huijuan Dong, Jiao Wu,Xu Tian. Uncovering driving forces on greenhouse gas emissions in China’s aluminum industry from the perspective of life cycle analysis. Applied Energy, 2016, 166:253-263.
72. Huijuan Dong*, Hancheng Dai, Liang Dong, Tsuyoshi Fujita*, Yong Geng*, Tsuyoshi Inoue, Shintaro Bunya, Minoru Fujii, Toshihiko Masui. Pursuing air pollutant co-benefits of CO2 mitigation in China: a provincial leveled analysis. Applied Energy. 2015, 144: 165-174.
73. Liang Dong, Huijuan Dong, Tsuyoshi Fujita, Yong Geng, Minoru Fujii. Cost-effectiveness analysis of China's SO2 control strategy at the regional level: regional disparity, inequity and future challenges. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015, 90: 345-359.
74. Tomohiro Okadera, Yong Geng, Tsuyoshi Fujita, Huijuan Dong, Zhu Liu, Noboru Yoshida, Takaaki Kanazawa. Evaluating the water footprint of the energy supply of Liaoning Province, China: A regional input–output analysis approach. Energy Policy, 2015, 78: 148-157.
75. Huijuan Dong, Yong Geng*, Tsuyoshi Fujita*, Minoru Fujii, Dong Hao, Xiaoman Yu. Uncovering regional disparity of China’s water footprint and inter-provincial virtual water flows. Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 500-501: 120-130.
76. Huijuan Dong*, Yong Geng*, Tsuyoshi Fujita, David A. Jacques. Three accounts for regional carbon emissions from both fossil energy consumption and industrial process. Energy, 2014, 67: 276-283.
77. Huijuan Dong, Satoshi Ohnishi, Tsuyoshi Fujita*, Yong Geng*, Minoru Fujii, Liang Dong. Achieving carbon emission reduction through industrial & urban symbiosis: a case of Kawasaki. Energy, 2014, 64: 277-286.
78. Zuoxi Liu*, Huijuan Dong, Yong Geng, Chengpeng Lu, Wanxia Ren. Insights into regional greenhouse gas (GHG) emission of industrial processes: a case study of Shenyang, China. Sustainability, 2014, 6(6): 3669-3685.
79. Yong Geng, Liming Zhang, Xudong Chen, Bing Xue, Tsuyoshi Fujita, Huijuan Dong. Urban ecological footprint analysis: a comparative study between Shenyang in China and Kawasaki in Japan. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2014, 75: 130-142.
80. Yong Geng, Zuoxi Liu, Bing Xue, Huijuan Dong, Tsuyoshi Fujita, Anthony Chiu. Emergy-based assessment on industrial symbiosis: a case of Shenyang Economic and Technological Development Zone. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2014, 21(23): 13572-13587.
81. Zhe Liu, Yong Geng, Pan Zhang, Huijuan Dong, Zuoxi Liu. Emergy-based comparative analysis of industrial clusters: Shenyang Economic and Technological Development, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2014, 21(17): 10243-53.
82. Yong Geng, Meiling Wang, Joseph Sarkis, Bing Xue, Lin Zhang, Tsuyoshi Fujita, Xiaoman Yu, Wanxia Ren, Liming Zhang, Huijuan Dong. Spatial-temporal patterns and driving factors for industrial wastewater emission in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2014, 76: 116-124.
83. Huijuan Dong, Yong Geng*, Fengming Xi, Tsuyoshi Fujita. Carbon footprint evaluation at industrial park level: A hybrid life cycle assessment approach. Energy Policy, 2013, 57: 298-307.
84. Huijuan Dong, Yong Geng*, Joseph Sarkis, Tsuyoshi Fujita, Tomohiro Okadera, Bing Xue. Regional water footprint evaluation in China: A case of Liaoning. Science of the Total Environment, 2013, 442: 215-224.
85. Liang Dong, Hui Zhang, Tsuyoshi Fujita, Satoshi Ohnishi, Huiquan Li, Minoru Fujii, Huijuan Dong. Environmental and economic gains of industrial symbiosis for Chinese iron/steel industry: Kawasaki's experience and practice in Liuzhou and Jinan. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2013, 59: 226-238.
86. Yong Geng, Huijuan Dong*, Bing Xue, Jia Fu. An overview of Chinese green building standards. Sustainable Development, 2012, 20(3): 211-221.
87. Fengming Xi, Yong Geng, Xudong Chen, Yunsong Zhang, Xinbei Wang, Bing Xue, Huijuan Dong, Zhu Liu, Wanxia Ren, Tsuyoshi Fujita. Contributing to local policy making on GHG emission reduction through inventorying and attribution: A case study of Shenyang, China. Energy Policy, 2011, 39(10): 5999-6010.
88. 张晨怡,董会娟*,耿涌. 中国城市生活垃圾处理碳排放时空分布特征及减排潜力. 中国人口.资源与环境. 2024, 34(4): 23-35.
89. 张哲, 任怡萌, 董会娟*. 城市碳排放达峰和低碳发展研究:以上海市为例[J]. 环境工程, 2020, 38(11): 12-18.
90. 于诗彤, 董会娟*. 基于生命周期视角的生活垃圾焚烧研究综述[J]. 生态经济, 2019, 35(11): 205-210.
91. 张汇, 董会娟*, 吴冷. 基于碳减排的汽车发动机再制造最佳时间点研究[J]. 环境与可持续发展, 2019, 44(4): 105-109.
92. 钱逸颖, 董会娟*, 田旭, 余艳红, 陈异晖, 耿涌, 钟绍卓. 应对水资源危机的中国水足迹研究综述[J]. 生态经济, 2018, 34(7): 162-166+173.
93. 蔡博峰, 刘晓曼, 陆军…, 董会娟等,2005年中国城市CO2排放数据集,中国人口.资源与环境. 2018, 28 (4): 1-7.
94. 杨青, 耿涌*, 孙露, 刘哲, 董会娟, 于晓曼, 吕晓蓉. 天然石墨矿及球形石墨价值的能值核算[J]. 生态学杂志, 2017, 36(9): 2592-2604.
95. 田旭, 耿涌*, 马志孝, 董会娟, 吴瑞, 刘文婧. 中国对外贸易中隐含流研究综述[J]. 生态经济, 2015, 31(7): 27-32.
96. 于晓曼, 耿涌*, 薛冰, 董会娟, 田旭, 刘哲, 马志孝. 资源禀赋对区域可持续发展的影响研究[J]. 生态环境学报, 2015, 24(2): 359-364.
97. 董会娟,耿涌*. 基于投入产出分析的北京市居民消费碳足迹研究[J]. 资源科学, 2012, 34(3): 494-501.
98. 赵红艳,耿涌*,郗凤明,刘竹,董会娟. 基于生产和消费视角的辽宁省行业能源消费碳排放[J]. 环境科学研究,2012, 25(11): 1290-1296.
99. 李春荣, 耿涌*, 薛冰, 任婉侠, 董会娟. 基于DEMATEL的城市可持续发展障碍因素分析——以沈阳市为例. 应用生态学报,2012, (10): 2836-2482.
100. 董会娟,耿涌*,薛冰,郗凤明. 沈阳市中心城区和市郊区能耗碳排放格局差异 [J]. 环境科学研究,2011: 24(3): 354-362.
101. 刘竹,耿涌*,薛冰,董会娟. 现代城市低碳路径与技术分析——沈阳市的案例研究[J]. 中国工程科学, 2011, 13(4): 101-104.
102. 刘竹,耿涌*,薛冰,董会娟. 基于脱钩模式的低碳城市评价[J]. 中国人口资源与环境, 2011, 21(4): 19-24.
103. 李春荣, 耿涌*, 薛冰, 刘竹, 董会娟. 沈阳市产业结构变动与经济增长因果关系分析[J]. 生态经济, 2011(9): 99-102.
104. 王新北, 赵红艳, 郗风明, 耿涌*, 董会娟, 刘祚希. 沈阳市再生水源热泵供暖技术的节能减排潜力 [J]. 生态经济, 2011(9): 55-62.
105. 耿涌,董会娟,郗凤明,刘竹. 应对气候变化的碳足迹研究综述[J]. 中国人口资源与环境, 2010, 20(10):6-12.
106. 董会娟,张智勇,李晓娴,薛冰. 基于IPCC方法的区域碳排放研究——以沈阳市和平区为例 [J]. 中国人口资源与环境(专刊), 2010, 20: 127-130.
107. 刘晔,耿涌,董会娟,刘晓青,任婉侠,薛冰. 基于MSIASM方法的沈阳城市代谢研究 [J]. 生态科学, 2010, 29(3): 256-261.
针对城市环境治理精细化难题,聚焦城市生活垃圾分类和资源化利用全链条优化方法和理论,开发系统仿真模型、精准选址模型和智慧管理平台等。作为负责人主持国家自然科学面上项目,青年基金,上海科委项目和校际国际交流项目各1项,作为子课题负责人主持水专项,国际合作项目各1项,并作为主要参与人参与包括国家自然科学基金重大项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家科技支撑项目以及日本环境省和文部科学省在内的项目等10余项。在iScience、Environ. Sci. Technol.、Resour. Conserv. and Recyc.等领域顶级期刊发表学术论文100余篇,高被引论文6篇,谷歌学术总引用近6500多次。相关成果被上海市人大领导多次批示,直接服务于上海市生态环境治理精细化管理和城市数字化转型。同时,还担任环境科学学会和自然资源学会等多个分会委员、国际期刊Recycling的编委、Nature Communications和One Earth等期刊审稿人。